Upcoming Litters

His Fame's Lilibeth Chip "Lily" & His Fame's Fitzgerald "Fitz". Expected Spring 2025. Expect solid chocolate, caramel, apricot, possibly rare opportunity for black. Size: 17" - 18" tall, large mini & small medium, 25 to 30 pounds. Few reservations available! These puppies will have the best of best in AL foundation line

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Fitz is a small medium with soft wavy coat. His offspring have been absolutely adorable and highly intelligent. Fitz holds several therapy / service certifications. Two of his sons will carry on his outstanding qualities as studs themselves! Fitz is a son of our first and much beloved Phoenix! Strong AL pedigree!

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Lily is a large mini with soft wavy fleece coat. She loves being everywhere with her guardian family and playing with any dogs wanting a good time! Temperament is sweet, attentive, and eye contact is amazing! She is the last daughter of our much beloved Java Chip! Incredible AL pedigree!

His Fame's Matilda Redd "Millie" & His Fame's Reddington. Spring 2025. Expect red & apricot with possible white markings. Size: 16”-17” tall, large mini & small medium, 22 to 28 pounds. Contact for availability!


Millie represents all the best in Australian Labradoodles with a solid heritage of foundational AL breed! Her sweet and gentle disposition, intuitive nature, and love for people will provide amazing offspring!

Reddington has demonstrated his contribution to improving the AL breed in his offspring! He also brings a rich heritage of foundational AL breed. His puppies have been sweet, intuitive, and wonderful pets with amazing coats!


HIS FAME retains the right to hold back a number of offspring from each litter for future breeders.  HIS FAME does not sell to pet stores or kennels.